1. Warsaw (PL) -> 160
2. Helsinki-Uusimaa (FI) -> 144
3. Åland (FI) -> 116
4. Etelä-Suomi (FI) -> 99
5. Länsi-Suomi (FI) -> 98
6. Pohjois- ja Itä-suomi (FI) -> 93
7. Dolnośląskie (PL) -> 80
8. Wielkopolskie (PL) -> 79
9. Śląskie (PL) -> 74
10. Pomorskie (PL) -> 71
GDP is expressed in PPS, Purchasing Power Standards per inhabitant in relation to the EU average set to equal 100 - this method eliminates differences in price levels between countries. If the index of a region is higher than 100, its level of GDP is higher than the EU average and vice versa.
The list is based on most recent data available on Eurostat (2019).